Benefits of blogging

I spoke to someone recently who said to me “I don’t see the benefits of blogging, I don’t want to share details on what I am eating or what colour my socks are”.

This comment made me realise that people don’t always understand what the benefits of blogging are for their websites. You don’t need to share every aspect of your life to make blogging work for you. By not blogging at all, you could be loosing out on many of the following benefits.

1. SEO

When you add content to your website, the pages and posts you create will become indexed in search engines such as Google. By blogging, you have the opportunity to create additional, quality content for search engines to index. This will help to improve organic search visibility and increase traffic coming to your website.

2. Attracts New Customers

I detailed above how blogs can help with SEO and increase traffic however, it is also a great way to attract new customers. If there is a subject, or a specific keyword that is popular in your field, you can use that within a blog to encourage readers to your website where, they have the opportunity to stay and learn more about you.

3. Helps to increase inbound links

Writing quality content can help you to become a resource to other people with similar expertise, authors, bloggers and so on. As a result they will often cite your content in their own articles and link back to your website – providing you with valuable inbound links and referral traffic.

4. Freshness

By blogging regularly, you are keeping your content fresh and relevant. Google likes websites that have fresh content added on a regular basis and in turn rewards them with better visibility in searches. More content also increases the opportunity to create internal links. This creates more pathways for search engine crawlers, effectively spreading PageRank throughout your site.

5. Appearance

The last thing you want to see when you visit a website, is really old content and the most recent blog post being published in 2001. By blogging regularly, visitors can see that your business is doing well and is maintained on a regular basis.

6. Sharing

Blog posts create opportunities to for you and other people to share your content. Whether it’s on social media or other people link to your blog post, or email it to others – it’s free marketing and it further validates you as a well established, credible business.

7. It’s free

You can improve your writing skills and share your expertise (not to mentioned the points above!) and you can do it for FREE. It doesn’t have to cost money to blog, but there are proven benefits of blogging so – what are you waiting for?

Benefits of Blogging

As you will now know, blogging can really help you in many ways… there really is nothing stopping you starting your very own blog.